Last Updated: 10/28/2022 9:48 AM |
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Animal Success Stories
Greetings Jennifer!
Nora, or "Ellie" as we have now nick-named her, is getting along famously! We love her! She seems to have adapted pretty well to her new home...cats & all! We didn't see Butters, our male cat till about 5 a.m. Sunday morning! He was sitting on a buffet inside the front door when Ellie & I came in from a quick potty trip! Butters & Boots have been more & more accepting of her with each passing day!
Potty training slowed down last Sunday when it was pouring down rain... other than that little detour, Ellie seems to be mannerly & heads to
the front door when she needs to go. Joe has been keeping her on a pretty consistent schedule during the day when I'm at school. He takes her out on the leash to the front yard. She & the neighbors dog play! When I'm home, she had supervised time in the back yard! The fence
keeps her in! She loves exploring yet we think she needs to grow a little & work on following commands before he lets her out during the time I'm gone.
Sleeping though the night!...waking about 6a.m., breakfast...morning walk up & down the block... starts our days...
trips to downtown Overland Park...getting bellie rubs!!!... playing fetch with a ball, hiding small raw hide bones...a few of her favorite things!
Oh, our vet said she looks "perfect!" They were happy to meet her! The ear cleanser you sent home with her is something they said to continue to use. Her cough was gone, even before the pills were gone. She loved her bath (the first Saturday night!)
We'll keep in touch! Just know that, we're all smiling!!! She's a sweetheart and has been well loved long before she came to us!
Thank you for all you did for her. Thank her other foster mom too. I'll try to get photos off to you in the near future!!!
Phyllis & Joe...and yes, Ellie sends her love !
Greetings Jennifer!
Happy to hear from you! You'll be happy to know that Miss Nora, or "Ellie" as we call her...(due to the fact that she was chipped as "Eleanor Roosevelt" ) is a healthy, happy girl!!! We love her down to earth, BASSETT personality!!! She is truly pampered and so much fun! Since Joe & I are now both retired, we seem to work our schedules around her! She loves to go for walks & ride in the car. If we have to be gone all day, she plays at Dog Pawz daycare in Leawood. She enjoys socializing with the other dogs & the staff laugh that she demands belly rubs. She loves belly rubs!
Our cats, Boots & Butters, finally agree that Ellie is good company!!!
I'll text pictures!
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