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Last Updated:
10/28/2022 9:48 AM



Message From: Jared March 15, 2017
Michelangelo and Donatello became Castor & Pollux in my home. Its been such a great experience being able watch them grow with eachother and along with me! Great app process, communication and understanding of an adopter's needs. Thanks for helping me find the right fit of catz for me!

Message From: Lpixler March 22, 2015
We love Geddy Lee! He is comfortable lead sleeping on our bet between us and out two cats. He very tired after a Ing day of adventures he had today!

Message From: Nicole Hendricks December 12, 2014
We adopted Lannister July 13 of this year. We renamed him Cleetus and it feels like we've had him forever. I love this boxer boy with all my heart. We had lost our Boston the week before and he fills the void in my heart.... Thank you so much.

Message From: Phyllis Strobl March 11, 2014
Just a note to say that Joe & I will be bringing NORA("Ellie") our basset hound to the Brookside Parade! Where will the ALUMNI dogs be lining up?

Message From: karla March 10, 2014
Whenever we ask our daughter what she wants for birthdays or holidays the answer is always"donate to TARA!!" So HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMANDA!!

Message From: karla March 10, 2014
When we ask our daughter what she wants for birthdays/holidays, she always replies "donate to TARA"! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMANDA!!

Message From: Mike & Kathy Gordon February 4, 2014
We adopted Emma (formerly Georgia Mae) just over a week ago. It already seems like we've had her forever. She is such a sweetheart. She has bonded quickly with us and is always so happy to be on our laps. Thank you T.A.R.A for such a wonderful addition to our family.

Message From: Kathy Gordon February 4, 2014
We adopted Emma (formerly Georgia Mae) a little over a week ago... what a wonderful little pup she is. She has quickly bonded with us and our other animals, although the cat is still unsure of her.. but Emma continues to attempt to get her to play. I want to thank T.A.R.A very, very much... We can't believe how lucky we have been to found such a sweetheart.

Message From: Linda & Gary Ashley July 23, 2013
Besides being friends of parents of Elisa Eckert many years ago in the air force, I can see that Elisa and I share a passion of helping with animal rescue groups. I know she will be sorely missed by her family, friends and "furry friends".

Message From: karla May 22, 2013
What a great organization!! My daughter volunteers here and just lost her 16 yr old Zoe. I am donating in her memory with love for such a very unusual special dog. She will always be our Zoe Lou Whoo...

Message From: Ashley D April 14, 2013
My husband and I adopted Tucker, formerly Patch last May. I first saw him at the Kc expo one year ago from this weekend. He is an excellent addition to our family, we love him dearly and he has found a best friend in our yellow lab Emma.

Message From: The Newman Family August 25, 2012
Thank you so much TARA...Michael worked tirelessly to find us just the right family member and we are so very happy with our Wimsy. She is just the perfect dog and we cannot imagine life without her. We were so blessed to find you and all your wonderful volunteers!!! You saved our lives as well as Wimsy's when you matched us. Everyone we meet is introduced to TARA and to Wimsy. They all want a little dog "just like her!!!!" May all your little (and big!) friends find a family that is as happy as we have become together. Good luck and all our best! Amy, Liam, Mac, Margaret and Wimsy xoxoxo

Message From: (Private) August 22, 2012
I adopted Brindy in 2005 and Buster Brown the next year from Country Kennels location. They have been members of our family since. They are older and grey in the face, but continue to bring much joy to our family.

Message From: Ginger December 26, 2010
Thank you SO MUCH for helping to rescue the pitbull in Swope Park today. Please keep me up-to-date on how he's doing. God bless you for your concern for these helpless animals. I will e-mail you my phone number.

Message From: Frank October 10, 2010
Though I don't know if I ever met Tara Nagel (if she worked at Arrowhead/ Country Kennels I'm sure I would have) I feel a connection with her. I do not have the resources to help all the animals I would like, but I help the few I can afford to. I have two dogs which are both Chow mix. One adopted from the Kansas City shelter the day before he was to be PTS and the other was going to be an "owner surrender". I was told by the lady at the KC shelter that it was unusual for anyone to adopt the Chow mixes because of their reputation. These two are the gentlest. They will bark at strangers, until I introduce them. This is exactly what I hoped for. Everyone in my neighborhood like them. Neither had really been worked with, but I am working with them and training them, not to become agressive, but just to obey simple friendly things like sit, lay, jump, stay, and to walk (sit or stand) beside me where ever we are or what we are doing. I do follow the suggestion to keep them on a leash when away from the house, just in case they should forget their manners. I don't want them to harm anyone elses companion, or come to harm themselves. They both do live outdoors (they are 50 and 100 pounds) but stay in the attached garage during severe cold weather, and they are allowed in the house now and then, with never an "accident". They both love to go for rides and we usually stop at McDonalds or Wendys for a cheeseburger and drink of water at those times. They really like the pickup truck with the cover on it, because they have much more room than the car seat and the cover has tinted windows that open for fresh air when desirable. I also have taken in a few cats and kittens that were abandoned and find good homes for them. I only have Social Security for an income so can't do as much as I wish, but just all that I can afford. The return I get in love from these few is what helps keep me going on those days when it seem everything else is going against me. I know without doubt I will one day meet them all again as we cross the "Rainbow Bridge" together. Until such time I think Tara will be there watching over those that may arrive there before me, along with all those loving friends that pass without knowing a loving home here on this earth. God puts people like Tara here so we can be assured of His caring for every living thing. So we will know that their spirits are just as valuable to Him as ours. Yes, it makes us sad when He calls them back, but we must accept that He has only shared them for a short time to comfort us, with the comfort He knows they will show to those who need it most. We are not always allowed to know that someone is really a Saint, until they have been called upon to return Home to take up their assigned duties there. I think one day all will find that Tara is one of those. Frank Rowlette, Kansas City, Missouri, October 10, 2010

Message From: Tori September 15, 2010
thank you for taking the time to care for animals, they are family too. it is just so uplifting to see how everyone here is as passionate as they are!!

Message From: sophia schmidt July 18, 2010
great website..keep up the awesome work!!!

Message From: Debra June 8, 2010
Great website T.A.R.A group.

Message From: Oreo May 25, 2010
Thank you so much for taking me in and allowing me to find the purrrrrfect people to care for me. I've grown from a 10 week kitten to a 15# king of my domain !

Message From: Joan April 18, 2010
Thank you for such a loving tribute to Jane on your home page! She got so much joy out of volunteering for TARA. Thank you for all you have done!

Message From: Margaret April 13, 2010
Thanks to all of you for your wonderful friendship to my sister Jane. Helping animals was something she was born to do and I am glad she had such a wonderful experience with all of you.

Message From: Lori Carr September 11, 2009
Thank you so very much for taking the two abandoned kittens my husband found. You're dedication to providing this service for animals without a voice has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for all you do to love the animals you care for.

Message From: zoe101 April 6, 2009
i love your animals and your website zoe

Message From: Michael & Bobby December 7, 2008
Abbie (Daphne) is doing wonderful. It is so hard to believe that someone dumped this precious little girl out on the road. She loves her toys and loves all the attention she can get. She is going on her first vacation to Branson on December 12th.

Message From: lisa November 30, 2008
I Have Phil formally known as Pablo, Patrick's brother and he is the little love of our life I would love to email with you and his other silings see how this great little group of furry kids are doing



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