Last Updated: 10/28/2022 9:48 AM |
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Animal Success Stories
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Sweety Pie
Hi Virgina,
She is great! We are so lucky! She is so well behaved and sweet to the girls. She has knocked Evelyn down a few times playing, but it either ends in tons of laugher or big tears, but that all depends on Evelyn's mood. Haha! We'll work on that. Michael has taken her jogging a few times now. She does well except when she sees squirrels, but nothing Michael can't handle. I think we are all still feeling things out and getting use to each other, but over all she is a dream. She's quite spoiled already with a number of toys in the yard and around the house. We have some pretty good games of fetch after work/school. I've been stopping by on my lunch break and she has been doing fine in her crate and no accidents. She didn't eat much the first day we took her home, but now seems to be eating regularly. She had her first vet visit last Saturday so we should be all set with prescriptions and check-ups going forward. I do have your leash, collar, and tag that we can bring back to you now that she has her own things. We also have an extra collar that we purchased a bit ago but it is too small for her, so we thought we would offer that to you as well. Let me know if there is a good time to drop those by or if I could just leave them at the doggie daycare next door for you.
We are wonderful and happy and loved!!!
They are Jasmine (Sheba) and Jewel (Juju) now.
Lydia (Cinnamon) passed away in my arms.
I adore these two...
They are my loves.
I am trying to semi-retire this year...so, I can be with them even more.
Hope all is well with you!
Stella Paige
Hi. Everything is great. Took her to best vet clinic in town. The vet said she is fine, weighs 52.4 lbs., is about 7 or 8 years old, and has healed nicely from her surgery.
Vet doesn't want her at dog parks because the are a "cesspool of all kinds of germs." And wants to reduce her food to 1 and 1/4 cups twice a day.
At some point, she had a fracture in her front right wrist, but other than limping now and then, it shouldn't be a problem.
She has a back upper tooth with a little gum exposed; we will just watch it. I will take a stool sample in when I can get one. Said her teeth have been nicely cared for.
Got her checked in at the apartment complex this afternoon. Everything is fine with that.
Overall, she is very healthy. We both have taken naps today. It has been a busy 48 hours. Things with walking on the leash are much better.
So we are very happy. She follows me everywhere and minds the commands.
Thank you for bringing us together.
Tory B. (Formerly swan) is just perfect! I should have named her shadow because she goes wherever I go. She is a total lover and loves to have constant human contact. She may be just under 65 lbs but she thinks she about 5 lbs. Also, there is no such thing as personal space with her. Luckily for her, that doesn't seem to bother anyone since she is just the sweetest girl! Some of her favorite toys are tennis balls, braided rope, socks, and bones to chew on. Some of her favorite activities are playing fetch, taking naps, going on walks, chasing squirrels and guarding the front door. Some of her favorite snacks are doggie treats and peanut butter of course but, she loves munching on celery and bananas! Tory is also very smart and learns very quickly. I could not be more lucky to have her!
Hello Sherrie,
What a nice surprise to realize today was the day. We celebrated his bday, but kind of didn't pay as specific attention to the date we adopted him. So here is our update.
Name: We kept him as Sutton. And a couple nicknames. Bubbas, Mr. P (because he still squirts on occasion), Buttons
He thinks he's a bit human and a lap dog. If you sit on the floor he will sit in your lap. He likes to greet w/ a handshake, but come up and sit on his hind as if he's sitting upright like we do. He loves the back of the couch & looks out the big windows. He's been a great dog. People just think he is so stink'n cute. And he's the doofiest, clumzy yet graceful dog. He leaps and runs so pretty around the yard, then will get to going too fast and face plant or trip. Certain stuffed animals are what we call his "babies". If you ask him to get his baby, he will run all over trying to find one. Had several at one time and brought them all on the couch to sleep with them. He loved the huge bear we got him until I had to sew things up and he was getting too much stuffing. He suckles certain animals by their nose or tail as if sucking on a pacifier and will go to sleep. Every time anyone comes home, he has to bring them something. So we often have a shoe or even a remote control brought to us. He does not chew them up. He just has to find something to bring to you. Loves to sleep in my son's closet, pulls clothes down, makes a bed and will sleep for hours. It's really a wonder he is not fat. He's the laziest pup. We have to get him playing. Loves our soft fleece blankets and being covered up while sleeping. Jamie & Fam
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