Last Updated: 10/28/2022 9:48 AM |
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Animal Success Stories
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Hi Virginia and all at TARA
Well, so far, everything is going just fine. Cyrus is getting used to his new yard. He is very good in his crate. He has been on two car rides and he loved that. Also, he got a free bath, we put his medicated shampoo on him--at the Barkery. He loved playing with his dog cousins and people cousins on Friday night, they played dog games for hours. Also, he is an amazing watch dog!! He barks a giant bark if anyone walks around while he is out on patrol in the yard.
We think he is wonderful and think he likes us, too. Oh, I forgot to mention that I enrolled him in dog school for 4 solid days--at Elegant Canine, with
Tami Clifton-trainer. He will be able to do everything and go anywhere after that. He will be in school during the days only the week of Memorial Day...and maybe a day or two of the following week if he needs it. I will be training with him on the last day.... After that, they say he will be able to walk well, stay, and not jump on everyone who comes over...
We will keep you posted!!
Hope all is well there!
Things are going great! Izzy is still a little jealous but she gets better everyday. We have had a few potty training mishaps but she is really doing very well. I wish the warmer weather would come back so Henry ,Callie, and I could stay outside a little longer and go for walks.
I wanted to give you an update on a very special dog, Chelsey, that I adopted from your organization for my dad . In October my mother passed away after a very long and trying illness. My dad has always been a dog lover and we did have dogs when we were kids but they were always outdoors (we lived in a small town so they just “roamed”). In the past 10 years or so my dad had mentioned wanting a dog again but mom knew she would be the one to take care of it, so that idea was vetoed. A week or two after my mom passed away I decided it was the right time to get a companion for my dad as I just didn’t know how he’d survive without my mom there (he’s 86). Long story short, it was by the grace of God that we ended up getting Chelsey as she had already been promised to another family, however Chelsey did not get along with their dog as it turned out---so she was ours.
Anyway, from Day One Chelsey has been my dad’s best friend, companion, listening board, mealtime mate, etc., etc. She is very well trained and gentle (she came to us that way) and every day they both hop into the car for a trip downtown, or to neighboring towns to get groceries, various appointments, or whatever. My dad includes Chelsey in Everything! (I have reminded him he cannot take her and leave her in the car when the weather gets warmer, however…..). The things that irritate the rest of us, such as her yipping and barking when she’s excited, are thrilling to my dad – “she just loves to talk” he says. She is pretty much his entire life.
Anyway, I had intended to write a note sooner to the gal from TARA that helped us adopt Chelsey but I deleted her e-mail address. I just wanted you all to know that this dog has been an absolute Godsend for my dad – and us. Thank you for letting us adopt this special dog.
Polly Bromert
Sully is doing so good...we all love him so much already! Also he seems to be completely house broken which is such a bonus! He and Maggie were playing this morning before I left for work...I hated to break up the fun but mama had to go to work so I can make money to spend on them. He passed his OP regulation test and I have the ok from the city and you were right they are really nice up there. I have taken probably over 100 pics since Thursday so I will be posting them to my Facebook account. He is such a little blessing...or should I say BIG one sense I think he has already grown in just a few days. He has adapted so well with everyone and all his new dog and kitty cousins...so far his only fault is he has a shoe fetish....but other then that I think he is perfect!!!
Thanks for saving him and giving me the chance to be his mommy!
Lori Haas
I received your text message today but what I have to say would take to long. Charlotte is doing awesome. I have been using the techniques the trainer provided and I have not had another incident. The other day I came home during lunch and found Charlotte on the loveseat and my cat on the couch. I have been socializing her as much as possible. A few weeks ago I took her to a party at some friends house and she just hung out all day. Every Monday we go over to another friends house that has a dog and walk the neighborhood. Everyday I notice changes in her personality. She seems to become more active, affectionate, and playful with each day. Everyone that meets her says she is so sweet. Charlotte loves to sleep on her dog bed by my bed. Every night I give her either a 1/2 of a jumbone or a kong with frozen peanut butter as a bed time treat:). She has mastered the doggie door but doesn't go out at all when I'm home. It's odd when I get up in the morning I figure she would have to run out an pee but she would rather stay sleeping. I've attached a couple of pictures for you. I think she is a doll and has captured my heart. I have accepted her for who she is and I think she is awesome. I will keep in touch and provide periodic updates. Thanks for your help in finding me my dog buddy.
Elizabeth Rodgers, CSP
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