Last Updated: 10/28/2022 9:48 AM |
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Animal Success Stories
Hi there! Everything is going great! Oliver is good - I'm sort of embarrassed to say this and I don't know why, but his name somehow morphed in our house from Oliver to Otto - I'm still not quite sure how it happened, but he seems to like it and responds to it, so it has kind of stuck (I guess he's lucky to only have two names - our cats have about 12 nicknames each, used interchangably). So, yeah, we've got him listed that way at the vet and on his collar. If you'd like to change your records that would be fine. Everything else should be current in terms of our information.
He is doing really well. We just love him and he makes us laugh every day. We have two cats and see progress weekly in terms of everyone adjusting. We know he's had some issues in the past with other dogs and we've been working with him on the socialization. It is definitely our biggest challenge at this point but we're getting there. :) And who knows, maybe he's just not cut out to be a dog's dog and that's fine too. Today we enrolled him (and ourselves!) in the Beginner level training class at Petsmart. Every time we go in we end up chatting for a long time with the lady who teaches training there, so we're pretty excited to get him into a formal class with her.
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