Last Updated: 10/28/2022 9:48 AM |
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Animal Success Stories
When I brought Ramsey home six months ago, he had terrible anxiety. Not only separation anxiety, but also fear of other dogs. I couldn't take him anywhere on leash, because he would bark at the other animals. He got upset and had accidents. He wouldn't use his crate. I tried to let him roam the house, but when I was gone for more than a couple hours, he tore things up.
I brought him to a group obedience class, but he had an anxiety attack. The teacher was unkind to him, and I began to really worry. But then, a friend told me about a wonderful trainer named Mary Solero who offered private lessons. I don't make much money, but already Ramsey had become the most important thing in my life. He was worth the investment. Mary was amazing. Immediately, she could see that there was something special about Ramsey, despite his anxiety. He was smart, sweet and eager to please. He picked up commands with astounding intelligence. Together, Ramsey and I learned how to calm his anxieties and communicate as a pair. The bond between us grew even stronger, and I realized I was his forever mom.
Today, Ramsey is the happiest and friendliest dog you will ever meet. He can run around off leash, comes when called, no longer barks or growls at other dogs, waits for my direction before entering or exiting a building or eating his food. He is incredibly affectionate, loves having his tummy rubbed for hours constantly licks my face, plays with stuffed animals, is super athletic with a frisbee or a ball in the park, and cuddles up to me every night to sleep. I was even able to leave him in doggie day care when I went on a business trip.
I feel so blessed that I was able to give Ramsey a home that brings him so much happiness. In turn, Ramsey will never know how much he's added to my life. My commitment and responsibility to him have transferred over into other areas of my life, including my job where I just received a substantial promotion.
But the most important thing is just that I love him. More than I could ever have imagined.
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