Last Updated: 10/28/2022 9:48 AM |
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Animal Success Stories
I just wanted to send you an update on how wonderful things have been going! I wanted to send it earlier, but I needed to use my desktop to upload and send pictures. Freya kept attempting to dine on the monitor cord so I had to put it off a little until I could get a cord protector...I was puppy proofed, but not Freya proofed!
She's quite the wrestler and Otis is so gentle with her, that is compared to the bigger dogs at the dog park! She does not need to be handled with kid gloves, she usually starts the wrestling matches AND finishes them. Sometimes I look up and see Otis on his back and her on top of his chest biting his face and neck and just really giving him what for...he even sometimes escapes to the safety of the couch to compose himself before diving back in. Of course, she dances around and if any of his feet come within teeth distance she makes him pay for it. I've been attempting to get a video of it, but whenever I get up to get the camera they both, of course, quit playing and follow me to see if I will be handing out any tasty morsels. FYI, I do supervise the wrestling matches and all play times, but, despite being rough, nobody gets angry or hurt so I have not needed to intervene...yet. I suspect when she gets about 20 more pounds on her she will be quite the formidable opponent and will handily beat him without him pulling any punches. She has a natural grace and body awareness that makes her very good at sparring.
I hope everything is going well for you, that Pinocchio found his forever home, that Puff finds her soon and, in the interim, is fitting happily into "the pack".
Kindra, Otis, Freya and Adele
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