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Last Updated:
10/28/2022 9:48 AM


Animal Success Stories
home sweet home

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Donna, I am so sorry that I have not responded. Life just gets in the way. We are doing great!! I did change his name. He is now Finn. He doesn't really respond to it, but we are working on it. I think he is feeling right at home, and him and I have a routine that works well for us. He is such a lover, and is the perfect dog for me!! I am still amazed at how well behaved he is, and how easy of a transition it has been. He definitely doesn't love the snow, but he doesn't hate it either. He is very adamant that he will NOT go to the bathroom in my yard, so we are going on tons of walks. It's good for the both of us, but a bit challenging in this weather. His vet appointment went very well, they said he was healthy and just needed a nail trimming. I hope everything is going well for both of you, and that you are staying safe. P.S. Finn is so flexible, check out this picture. This has become his favorite way to sleep. :) Thanks for checking in. Melanie



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