Last Updated: 10/28/2022 9:48 AM |
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Animal Success Stories
"My new mom really likes me, she keeps giving me kisses and I in turn give her kisses back.
The ride home in the car went well, I had the entire back seat to myself, and I can even stretch my head and reach the console from the back seat! I kept fighting sleep, I was exhausted, so have been enjoying getting rested. Mom got me some spray for my skin. She has sprayed me down with this stuff for my itching, and though I don't like the spray, Tea Tree Oil makes me sleep after it soaks in. I had some bloody spots on my paw and neck this morning from scratching so much in the night, but I slept on a flannel padded bed in my kennel right next to her bed and she gave me a blanket for pillow. Monday, I will meet my new vet; Dr. Rokey at Foxwood Animal Center. Mom has walked me down the street 3 times already, has played ball w/me outside. I showed her not only can I sit and lay down but can catch treats (that I found on my own in a container in the Living Room ) in mid air! She was really impressed, she kept saying 'good boy". We finished my last dose of medicine this morning in wet food...yummy. My tail goes like a propellor when she talks to me while I am eating. I hope she keeps that up, but probably not since I will only eating at night I think. She had an old ball outside, but even though it was cracked, I loved playing fetch and showing my abilities off the leash in the back yard, it is a really big fenced in yard...yahoo! She thinks I jump like a deer, but I'm just so happy. We took a trip to the store, and I waited in the back seat and was praised when she came out, since I behaved very well. I haven't met my dog neighbors, but I have met our walking buddy Trudy who owns 2 beagles. She sat on the floor and petted me with her sweatshirt arms, and I was in heaven, I even fell asleep in her arms and was dreaming. She just kept saying how sweet I was, so she will is one of my new favorite friends. My mom got lots of calls last night asking about me and it sounds like I will meet more new friends this next week I'm sure. I got my picture taken, so am sending you my first morning pic. Oh yeah, I tried to get up on the bed twice, but I think she has decided to just give me lots of warm rugs to lay on instead. I bet she will change her mind" (wiggle, wiggle) :- We stayed home from church, but are going to go for a ride soon to deliver a check, and meet my new church friends. I hear they really liked Jo-jo, so I will do my best to win them over. I'm hoping to stop at the Park on the way home."
Thank you for keeping and saving me til Jill & I could be a 'match'. Will write soon-Jack (Cash)
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