Last Updated: 10/28/2022 9:48 AM |
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Animal Success Stories
Hi Virginia!
It's been a while. I hope all is well with you and TARA! Today is Parker's 2-year adoptaversary! I can't believe it's been two years since you brought him up to us in Nebraska.
He is doing great and enjoying his new friend Abby (who we got in July). He never ceases to amaze me. For the first year and nine months, he was really aloof, never slept on the bed and didn't seem to enjoy being close or getting petted for very long.
Then there was a big snowstorm, with lots of wind (combined with a smoke detector that was beeping for days - we couldn't find it, believe it or not) and he freaked out. Every night for two weeks he was up for hours panting panting panting and sometimes shaking. He would be on the bed, off the bed, under the bed, trying to get in a closet, back on the bed, off the bed..etc (you get the idea). He also chewed up two doorframes one afternoon. Then after about two weeks of the night time stressing, he just started sleeping on the bed, wedged in between us, every night. He snuggles up to one of us and usually puts his head on our pillows.
I figured what we got the first year and three-quarters was what we would have forever, so this change is amazing. He seems much more calm now and when he goes to sleep, he is soundly asleep.
He is such a sweet boy and now he's more snuggly! We are so happy every day that we have him!
I hope all is well with you!
Take Care!!!
Lois and Frank (and Parker and Abby)
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