Last Updated: 10/28/2022 9:48 AM |
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Animal Success Stories
Well, so far she's been fairly well behaved, just the usual fitting in adjustments. She seems more interested in Shannon's toys than her own, but we got some different ones for her to try. She is definitely house trained and already starting to understand our routines.She stays fairly quiet, unless she sees or hears another dog, or her own reflection in glass. She is also concerned with Shannon's lifelike 101 Dalmations remote controlled puppy. Beth made it bark, and Christie didn't care for that.
Beth is considering changing Christies name, but that is still up to debate. Shannon just likes chasing and being chased. Christies favorite treat at the moment is ice cubes. We're trying to get her to learn to fetch. Oh, we figured out her mix! She's a Viszla-Red Husky mix.
The baby is going to be evicted from Beth's belly on July 2 at 4:30pm. We'll be bringing him home on Sunday. The doctor says he's already 8 lbs. He may be more when he arrives.
Well, talk at ya later,
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