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Last Updated:
10/28/2022 9:48 AM


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Hawthorne has been settling in at his new home. He is a very noisy explorer. He meows the entire time he is looking around. He has become pretty attached to his new buddy Robert. They play together a lot. He is such a loving little guy. Robert has decided his name should be Snoopy. Thanks so much for allowing him to be a part of our lives. Debbie


Virginia, Hannah is doing great! I took her to obedience lessons, and while it is a work in progress, her behavior is much better. I'm not chasing her all over my neighborhood anymore! She is so sweet, and I am truly lucky to have adopted her. When I go to work, I take her to my mom's house to be with her Golden Retriever, Bella. I know my mom and Bella really love her too. It has been hard since my other Golden Retriever passed, and I know that Hannah has helped fill that void. Hannah made out like a bandit at Christmas, and I kind of regret getting her a hedge hog toy. It has jingle bells, a squeaker, and a honker in it. It's her favorite "baby", and I've often woken up to her playing with it and making noise. I love Hannah very much, and I can't believe that two different families gave her up! I am at work but when I get time I can email you some pictures of her. Thank you for checking in on her. Michael


I just wanted to give you a little update on Hamm and let you know how the last almost 11 months have gone. He is a wonderful dog that has so much love to give; we are so lucky to have found him. We have since bought a house and Hamm has become king of his back yard. Back in June, we adopted a 9 week old English Bulldog (named Brutus) because Hamm needed a friend. He went from having too much energy at times to becoming a big brother and calming down significantly. Hamm is very much like having a child. He loves to cuddle even though it is difficult with an 80 lb dog, he is scared to death of thunder and wakes us up at night so that we can comfort him, he knows when you are upset and comes and sits as close as he can to you to comfort you, and is just a wonderful companion. Recently though, he has been having some medical problems. We are in the second phase of testing to confirm Cushing's disease. I don't know how other's would react to having a dog that is going to have some serious medical condition, but Brad and I want the best for him. He is a part of our family and we will do whatever necessary to make sure that he is happy and comfortable. Sometimes I wish I knew a little more history about him so that we know if there is something else that we should watch for. I have told everyone that I know about Hamm and how wonderful TARA's Dream is. I would suggest that everyone rescue at least one dog in his or her lifetime. You will never find a more loving or best friend. Thank you again for taking such good care of him while he was with TARA. We really couldn't ask for a better dog! Brad and Jessica


Hugo is doing really well. He is growing up fast and gaining weight. I cant believe how fast he is growing. We also renamed him Rimau Hugo Kinzle. Rimau means tiger in Malay language, feel free to address him as Hugo :-) Rimau is a very smart cat, very vocal if he wants attention and can be very naughty too :-) he likes to hide and do a sneak attack on Lance mostly. Rimau also likes to play fetch when he is in the mood, its pretty awesome to see him do that.


Virginia, Its been a couple months now since we last spoke so I thought you might like some pictures of little Hodedra (or Hodi as we now call her). She is fitting right in and really gives the bigger dog a run for her money. The first photo was on the 4th of July and Hodi and Lola were in the parade and everyone loved them. I was throwing candy for the kids and I had many shouted requests to "pass out the puppy". The next is Lola and Hodi in the car ride to Colorado. They just adore each other. The other two were from her first week in the house. She is so very sweet and my whole family just adores her. My uncle even tried to sneak her out under his shirt. The puppy nose sticking out of the collar was a dead giveaway!

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