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Last Updated:
10/28/2022 9:48 AM


Animal Success Stories
home sweet home

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"My new mom really likes me, she keeps giving me kisses and I in turn give her kisses back. The ride home in the car went well, I had the entire back seat to myself, and I can even stretch my head and reach the console from the back seat! I kept fighting sleep, I was exhausted, so have been enjoying getting rested. Mom got me some spray for my skin. She has sprayed me down with this stuff for my itching, and though I don't like the spray, Tea Tree Oil makes me sleep after it soaks in. I had some bloody spots on my paw and neck this morning from scratching so much in the night, but I slept on a flannel padded bed in my kennel right next to her bed and she gave me a blanket for pillow. Monday, I will meet my new vet; Dr. Rokey at Foxwood Animal Center. Mom has walked me down the street 3 times already, has played ball w/me outside. I showed her not only can I sit and lay down but can catch treats (that I found on my own in a container in the Living Room ) in mid air! She was really impressed, she kept saying 'good boy". We finished my last dose of medicine this morning in wet food...yummy. My tail goes like a propellor when she talks to me while I am eating. I hope she keeps that up, but probably not since I will only eating at night I think. She had an old ball outside, but even though it was cracked, I loved playing fetch and showing my abilities off the leash in the back yard, it is a really big fenced in yard...yahoo! She thinks I jump like a deer, but I'm just so happy. We took a trip to the store, and I waited in the back seat and was praised when she came out, since I behaved very well. I haven't met my dog neighbors, but I have met our walking buddy Trudy who owns 2 beagles. She sat on the floor and petted me with her sweatshirt arms, and I was in heaven, I even fell asleep in her arms and was dreaming. She just kept saying how sweet I was, so she will is one of my new favorite friends. My mom got lots of calls last night asking about me and it sounds like I will meet more new friends this next week I'm sure. I got my picture taken, so am sending you my first morning pic. Oh yeah, I tried to get up on the bed twice, but I think she has decided to just give me lots of warm rugs to lay on instead. I bet she will change her mind" (wiggle, wiggle) :- We stayed home from church, but are going to go for a ride soon to deliver a check, and meet my new church friends. I hear they really liked Jo-jo, so I will do my best to win them over. I'm hoping to stop at the Park on the way home." Thank you for keeping and saving me til Jill & I could be a 'match'. Will write soon-Jack (Cash)


Well, so far she's been fairly well behaved, just the usual fitting in adjustments. She seems more interested in Shannon's toys than her own, but we got some different ones for her to try. She is definitely house trained and already starting to understand our routines.She stays fairly quiet, unless she sees or hears another dog, or her own reflection in glass. She is also concerned with Shannon's lifelike 101 Dalmations remote controlled puppy. Beth made it bark, and Christie didn't care for that. Beth is considering changing Christies name, but that is still up to debate. Shannon just likes chasing and being chased. Christies favorite treat at the moment is ice cubes. We're trying to get her to learn to fetch. Oh, we figured out her mix! She's a Viszla-Red Husky mix. The baby is going to be evicted from Beth's belly on July 2 at 4:30pm. We'll be bringing him home on Sunday. The doctor says he's already 8 lbs. He may be more when he arrives. Well, talk at ya later, Travis


Things are going fine. We went to the vet today for an initial exam and he said all looks good. He needs a lot of exercise, but so do I, so it's a win-win. By the way, I changed his name to Buddy. Tom Conwell


Hi, Tracey! Clayton is such a wonderful young man - I believe we were meant to be together! He is a little more cat curious than the cats are comfortable with right now but I'm sure they will all adjust to each other in time. Clayton is eating well and going out in the yard with me to do his thing. He is a little unsure of what to do with the things he is given (like the 3 dog beds) but is figuring it out with a little encouragement from me. It's almost like he does not want to overstep his bounds - he is so polite and gentle when I hand feed him treats. I do think he will be walking comfortably on a leash in very little time, he just needs some practice. You were right, he is very eager to please! I hope he is as happy as I am! Thank you again for everything. Jodi


Hi Tracey, Just thought I'd let you know that Cody had a great night and day so far. He has not yet had a bowel movement, but we'll hope for the best tonight. He slept in my room last night and did great and was left in the garage when I went to work today and my twins came home about 3:30 and he did not chew on a thing and no mess whatsoever. You're description of him was right on. Thank you very much. Julie Hill

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