Sweet William is an 9 week old Lab/Shep mix. This is the only male in the litter and he is such a doll! He loves attention but also loves to play with his sister Daisy. Their favorite game is tug of war which they can play for hours. He loves to play in his kiddie pool and enjoys keeping his sisters on their toes by enticing them to play by dangling toys in front of them. William has been neutered, dewormed and has had his puppy shots. This boy is so much fun! Williams adoption fee is $150. If you would like to meet sweet William please contact us jadesmission@yahoo.com.
The animal listed on this page was listed as a courtesy to help find the animal a home. This animal is current on shots, altered (or will be before adoption) and heart worm tested (if age appropriate); however, T.A.R.A. cannot be held responsible for its medical condition. This animal is not covered by T.A.R.A.'s policies and procedures or contract. If you are interested in adopting this animal, please contact the person listed on the page. T.A.R.A. representatives may not be able to answer any questions about this animal or its status of availability.
For more information please fill out APPLICATION. Adoption fee varies.