Gangster is a 1.5 yr old, 36 lb. half pug, half German shepherd. He is a very happy and playful dog. Loves everyone and all animals. Very strong and muscular for his size. Would be a great 2nd dog as he loves to play with other dogs. Very friendly toward all.
Unfortunately, our cats do not care for him. He wants to play, but they don't. He is a jumper so may not be for small children unless you are quick to train. Our daughter no longer has time to care for him due to new baby, my health keeps me from being able to care for him. Lots of energy. Recent rabies and distemper vaccinations. Neutered. He knows a few commands such as sit, lay down and stop. He just doesn’t stay in those positions. He stays in a kennel when no one is home and at night. He is house broken.
The animal listed on this page was listed as a courtesy to help find the animal a home. This animal is current on shots, altered (or will be before adoption) and heart worm tested (if age appropriate); however, T.A.R.A. cannot be held responsible for its medical condition. This animal is not covered by T.A.R.A.'s policies and procedures or contract. If you are interested in adopting this animal, please contact the person listed on the page. T.A.R.A. representatives may not be able to answer any questions about this animal or its status of availability.
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