This little cutie was rescued from a breeder who went out of business. JoJo is 8 months old and weighs 4 pounds. He is a little shy at first but warms up very quickly and then just wants to be your best friend! He is extremely affectionate, a real lap baby. JoJo gets along great with other dogs as well as cats, he will make a great little addition to your family!
For more information please fill out APPLICATION
Our Pets can be seen by appointment or in person every Saturday.
Please visit our EVENTS PAGE for more information about times and locations.
TARA's pets are eligible for a two week trial.
Adoption fee varies, usually from $150.00 to $250.00.
For more information, please visit our Web Site.
Email T.A.R.A. | T.A.R.A.'s Web Site | On-Line Application