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Last Updated:
10/28/2022 9:48 AM



Currently we are completely full and unable to accept any new cats or kittens into our program.   Please try contacting the following groups to see if they are able to help:


KC Siamese Rescue  816-331-9700

Furry Kids Refuge  email only:  admin@furrykidsrefuge.org

Purrfect Pets  913-652-6677

Kitty City  913-422-1911

Katty Shack  email only:  kattypeggy@aol.com

Kitty Cat Connection  816-858-4215

Every Cat Counts  816-520-9169

Animal Haven  913-432-7548

No More Homeless Pets KC  816-333-7387

The Pet Connection  913-671-7387

Foxwood Rescue  816-517-2901

Kelly's Kitten Rescue  kellyskittenrescue@gmail.com



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